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This information website has been set up to tell people about the Bible’s true message and what it means for the earth and mankind.   God has a plan for the earth revealed in its pages, and that plan is rapidly drawing to its climax.

For centuries, the original message of Christianity has been obscured by the absorption of non-Christian teaching into the church, a phenomenon which was predicted by the early apostles (e.g. Acts 20:29, 30; 1 Timothy 4:1 – 3).  This process is well documented by church historians such as August Neander, J.L. von Mosheim and others.

The information presented on this website is an effort to peel away the fallacy of much of what is claimed to be Christian teaching today and instead allow the Bible to speak for itself.  A key doctrine which has been instrumental in obscuring the message of the Bible is the Greek philosophical belief in an immortal soul.  This idea began to be adopted into the early church as early as the third century AD.

Whenever people have approached the Bible with an open mind and a willingness to understand its overall teaching, the simplicity of its true message will become clear.

Italicisation within Biblical quotes

Key words or phrases in exact Biblical quotations in the articles on this website have been italicised:  e.g. man became a living soul.

Editorial interpolations or explanations within Bible quotations in the articles on this website are inserted in italics and brackets:   e.g. He (God)

What Bible version is used on this website

The Bible quotations used in the articles are taken from the Authorised King James Version of the Bible, because (despite some translation errors) its sources are the most reliable and numerous manuscripts.  With the aid of a concordance, the reader who is truly interested in understanding the mind and intention of God is able to examine the original language of the text in order to accurately determine meaning and context.

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